Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekly Ride and 4/24/10 Ride

Hi everyone,

A couple of things --

1. First, thanks to Gregg, Greg, Patty, and Dave for riding w/ me at the Tierra Bella and making this one great day! This was a (mostly) beautiful ride with a bit of everything -- long climbs, short twisty climbs, rollers, flatlands with fast pacelines, new roads for most of the group, you name it! Lots of wildflowers and gorgeous scenery along some of the smaller roads, and terrific support provided by ACTC. Best of all, we finished the 100 mile route as a group. With 6.2K of climbing, this was great for an early-season century!

2. Next upŠ is the Mt Hamilton Challenge, this Saturday, April 24 (see for ride info, starting location, and registration). Meet me at check-in at 7am if you're "in". Let me know in advance so I know to look for you. You can register on-site on Saturday morning. This is a tougher ride than the TB.

3. There was some talk after the TB about an occasional mid-week group training session, so I'd like to follow up on this. Not every week, but at least sometimes. Is there interest in this, and if so, is your preference before or after work hours?

I'm looking at Wed Apr 28 (or Thurs 4/29) for possibly the first of these, probably after work although 6 am on Wed would work too. Tentative workout: 5-6 seated repeats up Huddart to the Kings Mtn intersection. (Repeats up Kings to Huddart would work OK too, as would Canada College repeats.) This is an excellent (albeit painful) workout for AT/LT threshold and leg-strength training.

Let me know if a mid-week ride is of interest to you (as well as day/time preference). If there's little or no interest, I wont pursue it any further.


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