Monday, September 29, 2014

Written By Mark Johnson:
45+ 1/2/3 (Mark 1st, Tom Rice 2nd and Andrew Adelman 3rd)
Henlyville Road Race 2014

The plan was to get an early start to beat the traffic up to Henleyville, but those plans were immediately scrubbed because of some yahoo starting a fire in a Chicago airport.  Nevertheless, Rick managed to get back only a couple hours behind schedule, and Daryoush, Franco, Andrew,  and I met at his house to assemble his rack (yes he has a big rack to go with his big truck!) and start on our adventure.

According to Andrew, last year they left at 2 and hit a ton of traffic and he vowed never to leave that late again, so at 1:45, we were sure to beat the traffic… yeah…not really!  Of course,  Rick drove after having got up around 1am PDT, and the rest of us relaxed (Rick, thanks again for driving!)  About 4 hours later we checked into the hotel, and headed over to Tom and Kate’s where we met Mike and Mark (who flew) at Tom’s really nice RV for a pre-race dinner of coach approved wine and a couple huge slabs of tri-tip - wow that was some good food…

Next morning I met Daryoush at breakfast and afterward we walked to Starbucks next door where he ordered a 4 shot espresso, and not wanting to be appear weak, I got the same.  Ready to go!

All seemed good as we’re leaving reg, when we ran into Dirk H. who had just driven up that morning (god knows when he got up)  looking a little disheveled.  I made the comment “So happy to see you Dirk...  Not!!”  I don’t know if he felt sorry for us for showing up like that but in any case, he registered for the 35+ race (which if I have to be honest is the only way we had a chance to sweep the podium)

Daryoush had trouble with getting air in his rear tire but that turned out to be the least of his mechanical issues that day.  He ended up having to stop to repair his brakes, but still ended up finishing.

Anyway, we rolled off together with the 3 35+ riders and 2 women p12 and the first few miles seemed like it might be a civilized ride, but it didn’t last.  Attacks came fast and furious, but with 5 CoreTechs, we managed to cover all the breaks with 1 or 2 riders at least.  Andrew had a bit of a long one, and I recall (I’m sure Rick can correct me here) right afterward Dirk launched a huge attack which had everyone on the rivet trying to catch on to the end of the race before it was over.

All the CoreTechs hung on, and I’m not sure, but it seemed like we may have shelled a couple riders at that point.  After we reeled in Dirk, there may have been a few more small attempts, but things were really slowing just before the completion of lap 1 when Andrew said “Mark, you should go”.  So, I went.  Getting away was not hard, but keeping up a fast pace was draining me and I was worried since there was more than 50mi left to go.  I looked back every half mile or so not seeing anyone very close, but after about 3-4 miles(?) I looked back and Dirk was right on my wheel, with Andrew, Tom, and 3 other guys. 

At first the 7 of us weren’t working very well, but I saw Andrew go to the back and talk some sense into Dirk, and after that it was really smooth and fast.  We passed the 4s saying hi to Franco on the way, and a group of women.  It was probably the smoothest break I’ve been in and for the next 2 laps everyone did their part though we could see the non CoreTechs guys were starting to struggle.  In fact one guy just finally admitted he couldn’t help, and wouldn’t contest the sprint.

It remained that way until about 2 miles from the finish.  Once again Andrew made the call and told me that I should go with Tom, so I gave it a dig, not too hard, and very quickly Tom caught and passed me and I have to give lot more to get on his wheel.   After the initial surge we looked back and had a nice gap, and both of us were going full gas.  Just before we reached the finish hill our good buddy Dirk caught us, and when I pulled over to give him the chance to lead out, he took off, and I tried to chase, but didn’t have nearly enough to stay on his wheel. 

I finished maybe 200m behind Dirk (who won the 35+ field of 3) and I’m guessing about 100m ahead of Tom, not exactly sure, but with a big smile on my face!  My first win in 45+ 1/2/3 — in fact my first top 10 finish!  Andrew out sprinted the rest to get 3rd.

Thanks again to Andrew, Tom, and the whole team. Great teamwork, great tactics, great fun!

— Mark

P.S.  Rick feel free to fill in all that I forgot/missed.