Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mark Dames Metro Tri turned Duathlon Report

Date: 4/22

Race: SJ Metro Tri, 1 mile swim, 24 mile bike, 10K run
Place: 5th out of 30 in 50-54 age group.

I had signed up for this in the hopes of doing a family relay, but both daughters had to cancel and the swim was canned do to poor water quality.

I have been sick with worsening chest cold for a week, haven't been working out for the same period and debate canceling altogether.

It turns out the enforced taper was a good thing, and my seat area and neck turn out to be bigger problems.

As Andrew stated, a 1 mile intro run was substituted for the swim --- a run, bike, run format:

8:00 am start for my age group sees about a dozen guys sprint off into the distance. No way I can hang with these guys, I let them go and try to keep my heart rate moderate for the work to be done on the bike. I've been steadily building wattage on the trainer and plan a German blitzkreig on the bike ala stormin' Norman Stadler to bury my competitors. Then, I don't care what happens on the run, I know I'm dead meat.

The course starts flat and into the wind for 11 miles, then a turn around with several high speed miles to the big bump, a 300' climb over a mile at Bailey Avenue around mile 15, then rolling, mostly down hill to the finish.

I start on the flats at about 25 mph. The course turns into the wind and I'm down to 18-19. Within 10 minutes I start catching some 4 minute men (the age group waves went off four minutes apart).Within 25 minutes I start catching 8 minute men. Ahead in the distance is a group weaving back and forth like they are drafting/changing positions. They are wandering back and forth like they are racing each other instead trying to be fastest to the finish line. Goof balls. 200, yards, 100 yards, I'm on them. These turn out to be the majority of my age group 50+ rabbits. I dive to the inside and pass them all. Good bye, my TT bike can't be matched on this course, this date.

I hit the turn around, down a goo, drink water, and let the heart rate recover from the windfest I've just been through for about 20 seconds. The speed goes to 28 mph which I hold for the better part of 3 miles. A non stop parade of competitors go past me in reverse. No one has passed me yet. This is fun.

Bailey hill appears. I downshift to 2nd, then 1st and try to control the heart rate. It's done before I know it and now the down hill rollers past Calero Reservoir require the 53x12 treatment. I hit 38 mph, I stay above 30 for much of the way back to town. On one of the rollers, a challenger appears from behind, passes me and he's in my age group. This guys is strong, especially on the rollers. he passes a horse trailer on the inside, I have to follow to keep pace. We crest another roller and he seems to loose interest and fades. I hit the city streets again and with 5 miles to go start to have problems. 1) my tri shorts have a seam that has started to cut into me, distracting me from a full power cadence, and 2) my neck muscles are giving out, I can't hold my head up to look down the road very far. I never train on my TT bike, and my position is so slammed that in addition to being flat back aero, I have to crane my neck up at an unpracticed angle to see down the road. Not being able to do this, and having to stand up to relieve seat pressure, bleeds focus and speed off my homeward pull. When I get back to transition, I've passed everyone in my age group except two guys. Those two are running under 7 minute miles, and I'm not in their running league. I discover my "speed laces" (bungie cord type laces with a quick release cam) have a jammed cam. I can't tighten one shoe. I blow a minute screwing around with the cam and then just granny knot the laces to get out on the run.

I just try and hold a steady pace on the run, I have no second gear. Two of my age group pass me. I finish without slowing, but don't reel anyone in. I place 5th, and 1:22 out of the money. I'm second fastest on the bike at 22.05 mph avg speed, but could have gone faster, and I've lost critical time in transition.

I find Andrew and Dave Mayer after the race and both have podiumed. Congratulations guys!

Note to self: 1) get better shorts, 2) work on the neck muscles, 3) get better speed laces.

Congratulations to everyone racing this weekend.


Mark D.

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