Monday, June 25, 2012

Pescadero RR - E4 report from Kenneth Spencer

Kenneth Spencer: What happened during the E4 race at Pescadero
Cat 4

2 laps, 47 miles

70+ riders, 8th place

Many of you know that this is my favorite race. I've done it enough times to know how things play out. And given my increased mileage and climbing gains as of late, I felt really good about my chances. Here are the key takeaways:

It played out as in the past .... no breaks. A few folks tried, but no one prevailed. The climbs are not long enough and the flats are too windy. It's not worth even attempting. I just stayed near the front on the climbs, was careful on the descents (= passed by a few crazy people) and rest of the time I stayed off the back.

...until chaos ensued... we were neutralized 2nd time up stage road by the moto. he wanted the lead group of p1/2 to pass us. Well, they did. But either then or when we later caught up with them there were some Cat 4s that were 'down the road' (or at least we thought). It's really unclear what happened here. We leapfrogged the p1/2s and vice versa maybe twice on 84 on the lead into the final climb up haskins. Again we were neutralized (and still thinking a few people in the mix at the front of the p1/2s.

...and then began haskins...I was #3 turning up haskins. This time moto man neutralized the p1/2s and I hammered (as I told myself I would). Lungs felt great. Confidence felt great. Hey, I can win this once and for all.

...and there went my legs ... my quads were on fire but the rest of me still felt great. I can't explain it. It's how I've felt since I gave blood 2 weeks ago. Stupid, I know (now). So, I'll blame getting passed by 7 guys on my blood donation.

...but what about the guys who were off the front?...even when we started haskins someone told us that some guys has 1:20 on us. I'm not sure who those guys were bc I'm pretty sure that I was 8th out of our main group. So, either there wasn't anyone off the front, or I passed someone while I was sweet talking my legs, or I simply can't count. in the end...I'm very very disappointed (in myself for donating blood 2 weeks ago). But, the 2 points for 8th give me exactly 20 in past 12 mo, so I've submitted my upgrade to Cat 3. :)

Thanks for reading this nonsense,


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